For the full calendar of upcoming daily events
Free live psychic, mediumship and spiritual readings and healing on Facebook and YouTube. To view the live readings click on the following links:
Zoom Events:
Carterton Spiritualist Church Divine Services are alternate Tuesdays at 7:15pm BST on the zoom link
Victoria Road Independent Spiritualist Church holds a weekly Evening of Mediumship at 7pm BST on the zoom link
Peter Higginbottom has 2 weekly healing sessions 2pm BST on a Sunday – zoom link and 6pm on a Friday – zoom link
The live sessions are focused on Spiritualist readings and most of our readers have been trained within the religion of Spiritualism so many will say opening and closing prayers to link with their guides and inspirers in Spirit.
All readers have been vetted and approved to ensure that the highest standards of Psychic and Mediumship readings are given. Unless stated in the session readers are not qualified medics therefore will not give medical advice. Psychic readings are for entertainment only and any decisions made as a result of a reading are your own personal responsibility. Mediumship readings are based on providing evidence of the survival of the “Soul” or “Spirit” after physical death. These readings are done within the principles and ethics of Spiritualism and are an expression of faith for Spiritualist Mediums.
If you are a medium or psychic that would like to be considered to be on Online Live Psychic Readings please complete the form on Application form for readers (mediums/psychics) for Online Live Psychic Readings FB Group
If you would like to find out more about the religion of Spiritualism visit –
Other groups linked to this group are: (Spiritualist Events online) (Spiritualist events in person) (mediumship and psychic development opportunities) (Spirit Art)
To get daily lists of online Spiritualist Events from around the world for £5 per month go to Join Us