My Story

As with many people who go onto develop their mediumship skills I started using Tarot Cards in my late teens doing readings for friends and people I met at college.

Having developed my mediumship through development circles at West Bridgford Spiritualist Church, a home circle run by the wonderful Pat Hunt DSNU & CSNU and attending courses at Stansted Hall I started my platform work in the mid 1990’s in the East Midlands. I had the privilege of becoming President of West Bridgford Spiritualist Church for a couple of years before getting married and moving to the West Midlands in 1998.

As my career in education developed and my children came and grew up (far too fast) my Spirit work took a back seat. That said I was always available for cancellations at Tamworth Spiritualist Church and the occasional services in Swadlingcote, Bloxwich and Walsall.

I have now retired from Education and my children adults themselves, Spirit has stepped back into my life. As one door closes another one opens ………

From lockdown the new door has become a virtual door into the world of Online Services and events. I now publish a daily list of Spiritualist services and events online from across the world for subscribers

I also run a group for Online Live Psychic Readings on Facebook and YouTube enabling mediums to showcase their work and provide support for people wanting free mini readings from across the world.

I maintain an events page for online services and events for Churches and mediums to share what they are doing on

I have also had the privilege to support Victoria Road and Carterton Spiritualist Churches get online through zoom and/or booking their mediums each week and provide provide professional booking secretary support for Whitham Road Spiritualist Church in Sheffield and Angel Voices Spiritualist Church in Bradwell.

My interest in Spiritualist Philosophy has lead to me starting a page called The Spiritual Path and writing inspired prayers, poems and readings. These can be found on this on These are now available as postcards through my website.

To support mediums advertise and Spiritualist Venues find mediums I have an online directory of mediums and venues at