8 December 2024
An evening of Trance Mediumship with Niko. In this trance demonstration, listen to the words of spirit as they deliver guidance and inspiration. Then take part in the open Q&A session, and ask the questions that are in your heart. Veronica will be on screen with Niko to communicate with his guides and read your questions whilst Niko is in trance.
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What is trance mediumship? It is when a medium connects on a deep level with a spirit from their spirit team. It is such a deep and intimate conversation, that the essence of their souls blend as one. Once this occurs, then spirit can actually speak through the trance medium. It depends on the spirit, the energy and the vibration frequency - which causes the sound/pitch of the trance medium's voice to be altered.
Sometimes spirit bring closer a loved one you lost, who will also speak through the trance medium, sometimes they bring through one of your spirit guides, who will speak through the trance medium, sometimes it will be spirit guides speaking, and possibly more than one taking turns.
Trance mediums can not foretell what will happen, but you will hear and feel the essence of the spirit speaking. You will feel that incredible love they have for us, and send us.
Watch Niko's previous Trance Mediumship Sessions on YouTube
All readings are for entertainment only and any decisions you make as a result of a reading are your own responsibility. There is no guarantee of a reading from our mediums during the live sessions but you can contact them after for paid for private readings. None of our readers will contact you unless you have contacted them first.
Please be scammer aware and do not pay for a reading from someone who approaches you reputable mediums will only contact you if you contact them first.