Personalized Icons Just for You


Each icon is individualised to you. You choose the 3 words you associate with and the style you like, I will then create through AI a small selection of icons from which you can choose the one you most like which will be emailed to you



Personalized Icons Just for You – Created Through AI!

Are you looking for unique, personalized icons to make your digital presence stand out? Look no further than our AI-powered icon creator! Our state-of-the-art technology can create custom icons tailored to your needs and preferences.

Our personalized icon creator offers a wide range of options to choose from. Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose 3 words that reflect you, your dreams and aspirations
  2. Select your preferred style from the examples shown
  3. Fill in the online form
  4. Get your icon: Once your icon is created, you’ll receive a small number of high-quality, digital images that you can choose your favourite from and use on your website, social media, or anywhere else you want to make an impact.

Our personalized icons are not only unique and eye-catching, but also affordable and convenient. Say goodbye to generic, cookie-cutter icons and hello to a custom-made icon that truly represents you or your brand.

In conclusion, our personalized icons created through AI offer a unique, affordable, and convenient way to make your digital presence stand out. Whether you’re a stand alone medium, Spiritualist Church or Centre, an online psychic reader, entrepreneur, blogger, or social media influencer, our custom icons can help you make a lasting impression on your audience.

On completion of your order you will be able to download the form to complete to get your icon.

Styles include:

Icon – shapes and colours

Glass Ball – images within a glass ball

Sticker – images drawn as though on a sticker

Line Drawings 



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