You can find more about me on About Veronica and you can find where I am working with Spirit on my Events page Veronica Jenkins – Events
The following are links to different elements of my work for Spirit.
Daily Posts of Spiritualist Events
From the start of lockdown I have been posting a daily list of Spiritualist services and events online. https://www.facebook.com/groups/onlinespiritualchurchservices
You can subscribe through this website for £5 per month to get these daily lists to your inbox, messenger or WhatsApp through Join Us
As Spiritualist Churches and Centres are opening up they can advertise their services on – https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualistchurchservices
Prayers and Poems
For a number of years I have been inspired to write Spiritualist Prayers, Poetry and Readings. You can find these on Prayers & Poetry
I have started to have these printed out on postcards which are for sale on my Etsy shop – https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SpiritualistGifts
The following are readings that I have been guided to write.
These are longer pieces that can be used as readings as part of Church services
These are thought provoking pieces aimed at helping individuals understanding of some complex areas of Spiritualism
Guided Meditations and Shows on Spiritual Psychics TV (SPtv)
To view a guided meditation to help prepare yourself linking with Spirit or previous shows on SPtv go to Guided Meditations and Past Shows on SPtv with Veronica
Spirit Portraits
A number of the portraits of Spirit I have been guided to draw can be found on my page Spirit Art Portraits
Spiritualist Reference Books
You can buy my book which lists the open Spiritualist Venues across the UK
£5 on Kindle https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09QJCXJTF/
£8 paperback https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09QFFP5DM
You can buy my book which lists Mediums from across the World
£5 on Kindle/digital download https://www.amazon.co.uk/Spiritualist-Mediums-Directory-Veronica-Jenkins-ebook/dp/B09YG3V86B
£8 on paperback https://www.amazon.co.uk/Spiritualist-Mediums-Directory-Veronica-Jenkins/dp/B09XZMCNLT